Era Istrefi
A Po Don
Flag ShqipShqip
Kur une jom nalt,ti je n'hanë
Une(une) nalt(nalt) edhe ti po m'don
Un s'iu dissi,qika
shume ngat shume ngat,tash iu ika
shum shpejt,shum shpejt me livrita
hajde krejt majt-djatht une mrrijta
sistemin n'dore duhet k'to dita
nuk po kthehem mo n'2002-ta

x2 Going to kill on this winter
looking like hoochie gal hipster
winnin hips really faster (wine wine hips so faster)
man me love me some rasta

Nese don ndrro ose duro
mentalitetin e keq na ë-ëh
nese don ndrro qe jo duro
me neve harro,harro, harro

x2 A po don edhe ti si une?
A po don edhe ti si une?
A po don edhe ti si une?
Edhe qe don,se di a ta banë

Zemer, koha jote shkoj ka ardh per temën
hala nuk kom hyp as deri n'zero
ki me thon ti ku e gjeti
as ni sen nuk osht i njejti
qysh po thu ti?
ma i mire hood-i aa?
Do You Want
Flag AnglishtAnglisht
When I'm up, you're at moon
I'm up and you want me
I don't diss you, girls
Too close too close, now I left
Too fast, too fast with livrita
Come one left-right I arrived
The system in hand it's necessary these days
I won't go back in 2002 (two thousand and two)

x2 Going to kill on this winter
looking like hoochie gal hipster
winnin hips really faster (wine wine hips so faster)
man me love me some rasta

If you want change or endure
bad mentality
If you want change or endure
with us, forget, forget, forget

x2 Do you want to be like me?
Do you want to be like me?
Do you want to be like me?
Even if you want, I don't know if you could

Honey, your time is over, it's time for mine
I'm still not at zero
You will say where did she found
Nothing is the same
What are you saying?
Better hood huh?