turn u on,on in the world
this music makes u feel so special
turn u on,on in the world
this music makes u feel so special

Elvana Gjata:
Dua sot te harroj
dua sot te kaloj me lart
edhe nese gaboj
nuk kam friik te jetoj kete nate

I can turn u on on on
something like that that that

so i can turn u on on on
something like that that that

I can turn u on on on
something like that that that

Dua sot te harroj,
dua sot te kaloj me lart
edhe nese gaboj
nuk kam frike te jetoj kete nate

I can turn u on on on
something like that that that

so i can turn u on on on
something like that that that

I can turn u on on on
something like that that that

Dua sot te harroj,
dua sot te kaloj me lart
edhe nese gaboj,
nuk kam frike te jetoj kte nate

turn u on,on in the world
this music makes u feel so special
turn u on,on in the world
this music makes u feel so special

Elvana Gjata:
Dua sot te harroj,
dua sot te kaloj me lart
edhe nese gaboj
nuk kam frike te jetoj kte nate

Oooohh oooo oooohh...


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