Take me to stars if I fall
Don't leave me again it's night at my door
Take me to stars when I fall
Thinking of heal my soul

I'm dreaming to remember
that snow in December
Sparkling eyes I can remember
Your smile's not pretender
All I need is only snowflakes and Christmas Tree
Jingle Bells til you leave
Only thing I can remember
Snow is falling over my heart

Lift me so I see the light
I can see a millions of stars
that are shining so bright
Lift me so I see the light
Colors of night and the time is so tight

I'm dreaming to remember
that snow in December
Sparkling eyes I can remember
Your smile's not pretender
All I need is only snowflakes and Christmas Tree
Jingle Bells til you leave
Only thing I can remember
Snow is falling... December

All I need is only snowflakes and Christmas Tree
Jingle Bells til you leave
Only thing I can remember
Snow is falling over my heart


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