Lidia Lufi

I’ve been alone for so long
On my own without a song
I can’t hide from the life
The life I thought was deep within not mine

Along with it I found you
Your fire burned my bones, I came to life
It tore me apart
But then I lived
Now I’m at home
And I live again
Yeah love, it tore us apart

Your eyes can’t see anymore
Behind the doors of reason’s borders
Once you burned my cigarette
You came asked for my lighter again

I promise
I promise that the ashes of what this used to be
have turned into a new artpiece
I promise
that when you want to come back
there’ll always be a home
built with what you have destroyed
I promise
I will always keep you in me
in the deepest cracks of my green clay

Yeah yeah love tore us apart
Më datë 4 Qershor 2018, Lidia Lufi publikon videoklipin "Home". Muzika e këngës u punua nga Enis Mullaj, teksti u shkrua nga vetë Lidia Lufi, ndërsa për orkestrimin u kujdes Enis Mullaj.