Albion X Simbol

SIMBOL Refren:
I see you hatin on me Boy, i got my Gun in your head
I see them niggas keep bloodin the place and they Already Dead
I got my killer's nigga all around
They become in for my crown
If you run, ti ski ku shkon, then let me hear that shotGun

...... Sje kerka hiq
Femna jote te ti Pllum , te un Lakuriq
Mi bo ti senet qe boj un se ki t'leht se sun i bon kurr n'jet
Ata qe per mu kan honger, i kom shti me majt Dijet
S'kan buxhet e m'folin per Lek, E dojna terin t'hina nBeef edhe me KEEK, Ti shum Flet
Fjalt e tua nuk qojn pesh, ti merr Era Leht [ HA ]
Sado qe mrri, rrepi veq mu m'ri
Ju hala po fmi edhe mburrni ?
Mirresh me insta jo me Gram
Leni killat me 1 an se po bohet Rran
Jeni t'leht Man si fleta Taman
Zemren shum t'madhe po gjoksi s'ma Man
Sikur me shku n'hon, ju lojna nTok
Jeni bo Si pleqnia, ma thini rakin jo Flokt
Jena n'qershor po du mi rra shkurt, Beat-at i ngucni veq kur ju rrin URT
Bitchi yt ka ik, e te un po lun Loj
Rakin ton e ka mar n'qaf, e Temin pe mer NGOJ
[ HA ] Te min pe mer NGOJ
Rakin ton e ka mar n'qaf e Temin pe mer NGOJ

SIMBOL Refren:
I see you hatin me Boy, i got my Gun in your head
I see them niggas keep running thay faces Already Dead
I got my killer's nigga all around
They become in for my crown
If you run, ti ski ku shkon, then let me hear that shotGun

T'kom thon per mu mos HA edhe nese vjen me T'ut
Tu shkepen shokt e tu, si kong e mia nFacebook
Ju japim Fam nese permenim Emra
I vetmi sen qe deri sot mue m'ka rreh o Zemra
Nuk po bojn, Ki sakt ti me Kerret
Beatat kur i shti ndorr hekin ma shum se Dillerat
Para ftyre dalim edhe ti hekim Posterat
Rri urt, se me foton tonde ti mushim banderat
Perveq inatit sen nuk keni me Pas
Un perinati ka me bo sene met PLas
Bitchat qe pi doni na moti i kena pas
Edhe ka mu u ul ngoj ti ulu ner Unaz
Per juve kurr S'kena per juve so skena
Ju thiri Geja, per me rra nsy boni Skena
Juve ju bin fjalt n'Tok keni vemen
Un foli me ver po foli me Ven
Na hekim per veti, kta hekin per Men
Kan thon ki Talent mos i ngo se pot Rrejn

SIMBOL Refren:
I see you hatin me Boy, i got my Gun in your head
I see them niggas keep running thay faces Already Dead
I got my killer's nigga all around
They become in for my crown
If you run, ti ski ku shkon, then let me hear that shotGun