Ani + The Cranes
In Hell
In Hell
Në mënyrë që impakti të jetë sa më i natyrshëm, produkti muzikor përcillet para një audience më të gjerë i kompletuar nga sfera vizuale me anë të një klipi muzikor, për të cilin u kujdes 31Twelve, ndërsa për regjinë u kujdesën bashkarisht Elizabeth Ball & Tim White. Ky videoklip u publikua me datë 26 Maj 2023. Këngën e kompozoi vetë këngëtarja, ndërsa produksionin audio u realizuan Ani + The Cranes & Mario Deda.
Teksti :: Song Lyrics
Another day's gone by
I don't know why
You couldn't find the meaning of our lives
Am not here to cry, I just wanna try again
and again
Don't leave now don't walk away
I'll call you five times a day
Don't give up, am not over it
Don't do it, don't throw
In Hell all the nights
In Hell all the nights
And all the times that we tried
I'm lifting up my arms
Throw another shirt on
I couldn't find the red one that you like
But now am here and I, I just wanna try again
Don't leave now don't walk away
I'll call you five times a day
Don't give up, am not over it
Don't do it, don't throw
In Hell all the nights
In Hell all the nights
And all the times that we tried
Take me in your arms
And dance me through the night
Just like you know, you and I
Take my hand and bring me back
To paradise, to paradise
Don't leave now don't walk away
I'll call you five times a day
Don't give up, am not over it
Don't do it, don't throw
In Hell all the nights
In Hell all the nights
And all the times that we tried'
I don't know why
You couldn't find the meaning of our lives
Am not here to cry, I just wanna try again
and again
Don't leave now don't walk away
I'll call you five times a day
Don't give up, am not over it
Don't do it, don't throw
In Hell all the nights
In Hell all the nights
And all the times that we tried
I'm lifting up my arms
Throw another shirt on
I couldn't find the red one that you like
But now am here and I, I just wanna try again
Don't leave now don't walk away
I'll call you five times a day
Don't give up, am not over it
Don't do it, don't throw
In Hell all the nights
In Hell all the nights
And all the times that we tried
Take me in your arms
And dance me through the night
Just like you know, you and I
Take my hand and bring me back
To paradise, to paradise
Don't leave now don't walk away
I'll call you five times a day
Don't give up, am not over it
Don't do it, don't throw
In Hell all the nights
In Hell all the nights
And all the times that we tried'
- Publikimi: 26/05/2023
- Ora: 01:13
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- Performon:
- Muzika: Ani + The Cranes
- Video produksioni: 31Twelve
- Producent: Ani + The CranesMario Deda
- Koreograf: Lyla Gilchrist
- Kërcimtar: Lyla Gilchrist
- Regjisor video: Elizabeth BallTim White
- Video Editor: 31TwelveElizabeth BallTim White
- Më shumë info:
Stem Mastered: James Wyatt
Stem Mastered: Slo Flower Studio
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